Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's a great day

Today is WONDERFUL.  It's my Catie's


Gah can you even believe it?  I can't!  I mean, SHE LEFT A YEAR AGO!  Time has for sure floooown by for me...FLOWN.  I'm very grateful.  :)  I miss my best friend.  A lot a lot.

Catie's mission has been the absolute best thing for her.  She tells us every week how blessed she is to have this opportunity, she tells me in her letters time is going by way too fast, she believes everybody needs to serve a mission (I can't even tell you how many times she's told me I need to go :), and I just might, you never know!) She loves the people unconditionally, she loves her companion, loves bearing her testimony, sharing her experiences, sharing her passion and love for the gospel and the Book of Mormon.  She wouldn't trade this time for anything!!  I'm so proud of her, what a wonderful example she is and always has been to me.   I'm very lucky to have a sister like her.  She's made us all very very proud. :) I love her SO MUCH!!

6 months best friend!!!!

Xoxo, Em


  1. That's what I call Nicc! (Best Friend) I can't wait until Caitie comes home! Maybe Mike and her should date...just sayin...LOVE YOU!

  2. Bahaha Jess I love you. YEAH!! They're both amazing, plus it'd be pretty awesome to be related.. :P
